Friday, February 5, 2010

...Otterpops. (#24)

NUMBER TWENTY-FOUR: Otterpops anywhere in the time frame of May 1 – August 31.

I've never met anyone who didn't like an Otterpop. I mean, just look at em. All those bright colors and little otter characters on the bottom. How can you say no?

When I was little, I liked to let mine melt a lot and then drink the juice at the end. That was my fave. Oh, what's my favorite color? I think the blue one. Definitely.
Even famous kids like them.

Monday, February 1, 2010

...Reading An Awesome Book. (#23)

NUMBER TWENTY-THREE: Reading a book that you get really into. To the point where you’re reading it and you’re totally in your own world and you don’t hear anyone trying to talk to you until you’re physically shaken.

I'm talking like Harry Potter sheit here. I'm talking you're shaking with excitement as you approach the cashier at Barnes and Noble because what you're holding in your hand is epic and beautiful and you can't wait to just snuggle up on your couch or on your bed as SOON as your home and crack open the first chapter. And you're sitting in the car (or bus, or maybe even bicycle) after your purchase and you long to open it and read the first few words. But no, you can't. Or can you? Do you have the self control? Must wait!

So you go home (or somewhere) and you get all situated and you take a deep breath and you are READY. It's go time. You open it, and you're gone.

I'm talking about getting so into a book that you're eyes are flying across the words and you actually think you ARE Harry Potter (please excuse my Harry Potter references, you really have no hard proof that I actually have spent some time thinking that I really could be Harry Potter). So you're reading, and then all of a sudden your phone rings and you just get irrationally angry that someone is trying to contact you.

That's really your first sign that you're probably too into the book: anger at contact from the outside world.

But you can't help it. Maybe if the author wasn't so awesome you wouldn't have to deal with this problem. This problem being the fact that as much as you know you're really hungry or that you're missing the playoffs on can't set this forsaken book down. Your only logical option is to just finish it.

That's what I'm talking about.