Monday, January 11, 2010

...Clear Night Skies. (#13)

NUMBER THIRTEEN: Nights where the sky is clear and you’re not in the middle of a city and you feel like you can see every single star. When you can just have a moment with yourself and the entire universe staring back at you. When time actually becomes an illusion.

This doesn't happen often, especially to people who live in major cities (like I do). But when you're lucky enough to be out in the middle of nowhere (basically) where there are really no lights and you look up and you can just see all the stars in the universe it feels like. That's awesome.

So then you're just lookin' up at the stars and your mind can wander a little bit and you can just have a moment. You lose track of time, you see a shooting star or twelve, you find constellations. Sometimes, you can even remind yourself that you're looking at the same stars that the people in Mongolia or the people in South Africa look at.

A lot of people do a lot of sharing. But something that we ALL share with each other are our stars. There aren't just United States stars. There aren't just Germany stars. They're everyone's stars, and everyone is entitled to just look at them and get lost for a little bit.

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