Wednesday, January 13, 2010

...Snuggling. (#17)

NUMBER SEVENTEEN: Snuggling. With the right person of course, and in the right situation.

Well I'm gonna straight up throw it out there: I'm not a huge snuggler*.

Some people are just born to snuggle and some are just like, not. Hey! Hey, my name is Kendall and I fall into that second category. But you know, it is a little weird because there are like ...three people in my life who I'd be perfectly content to just hang off all day. Granted, that would probably be really annoying, so I don't.
Of course I will usually snuggle with anyone if I'm sick or need comforting. But the problem with that is a) I'm sick and b) I don't want people to just think I'm using them to snuggle with if I'm having a problem. Lucky for me, most people don't judge my weirdo snuggling habits.

That's a funny word, snuggle. Just say it. Just look at it. Snuggle. For some reason, I'm just getting this mental image of two pugs snuggling...maybe wearing pug Uggs? Do they make those? Definitely not. I guess pugs wearing Snuggies would be more appropriate. I'm going to stop right there because I'm actually weirding myself out.
Oh, and the lion picture below is thee perfect connotation of me and my extremely snuggly roommate's idea of snuggling. Can you guess which lion is me.

*With of course one very important exception. I'm a huge snuggler with someone I like, like my boyfriend. Then it's like one of my favorite things to do.

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