Friday, January 15, 2010

...Rolling Doubles in Monopoly. (#20)

NUMBER TWENTY: Rolling doubles when you play Monopoly. Unless of course, it’s the third time in a row.

Monopoly takes a long time to play. A LONG time. Most people never even finish a game of Monopoly. But most people aren't people from Kappa, rooms 406 and 408. We love some Monopoly and we love monopolizing. And I can tell you, that when you're getting your butt kicked and Sarah is taking, and you roll DOUBLES!

YES! Yessssssss! And if you roll doubles and then you roll doubles again! Oh man. And if you roll doubles and you land on Free Parking!? What a night. Just...don't roll doubles three times in a row, then it's not awesome at all. Jail is not awesome.

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